Floris van Doorn
feat(EM): Prove some corollaries of Whitehead's principle, and prove that K(G,1) is unique.
Also reorder the arguments of is_equiv_compose
2016-07-09 10:20:22 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): move basic theorems from colimit development to library.
Most notable changes:
rename apo011 -> apd011 and apd011 -> apdt011
make an argument of pathover_of_eq explicit
2016-07-09 10:20:22 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): Port files from other repositories to the HoTT library.
This commit adds truncated 2-quotients, groupoid quotients, Eilenberg MacLane spaces, chain complexes, the long exact sequence of homotopy groups, the Freudenthal Suspension Theorem, Whitehead's principle, and the computation of homotopy groups of almost all spheres which are known in HoTT.
2016-05-06 14:27:27 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various changes and additions in the HoTT library
Add more theorems about mapping cylinders, fibers, truncated 2-quotient, truncated univalence, pre/postcomposition with an iso in a precategory.
renamings: equiv.refl -> equiv.rfl and equiv_eq <-> equiv_eq'
2016-05-06 14:27:27 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(types.pointed): small additions
2016-04-11 09:45:59 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(pointed): merge pointed2 into pointed
We move the basic notions of pointed types into init.pointed, to avoid cycles in the import graph. Also adds pointed versions of pi and sigma, with corresponding notation
2016-04-11 09:45:59 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): some renamings in init.path
2016-04-11 09:45:59 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): small changes, mostly in pointed2
2016-04-11 09:45:59 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): additions, mostly to types.trunc
2016-03-06 13:03:31 -05:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): replace assert by have and merge namespace equiv.ops into equiv
The coercion A ≃ B -> (A -> B) is now in namespace equiv. The notation ⁻¹ for symmetry of equivalences is not supported anymore. Use ⁻¹ᵉ
2016-03-03 10:13:21 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various additions
2016-03-03 10:13:20 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott/library): various changes and additions.
Most notably:
Give le.refl the attribute [refl]. This simplifies tactic proofs in various places.
Redefine the order of trunc_index, and instantiate it as weak order.
Add more about pointed equivalences.
2016-03-03 10:13:20 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(pointed/equiv): add more theorems
The theorems are mostly about the interaction between pointed equivalences and pointed homotopies
Some of these theorems were missing for (unpointed) equivalences, so I also added them there
2016-02-22 11:15:39 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): add some more abstracts
2016-02-22 11:15:39 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various changes
more about pointed truncated types, including pointed sets.
also increase the priority of some basic instances that nat/num/pos_num/trunc_index have 0, 1 and + (in both libraries)
also move the notation + for sum into the namespace sum, to (sometimes) avoid overloading with add
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
style(hott): rename instances of pType using pfoo instead of Foo
For example, the pointed suspension operation was called Susp before this commit, but now is called psusp
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
style(hott): rename Pointed to pType
also rename sigma_equiv_sigma_id to sigma_equiv_sigma_right and similarly for pi
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various additions, especially for pointed maps/homotopies/equivalences
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(init.path): update init.path to use tactics, also some additions
Now the file hardly uses eq.rec explicitly anymore.
Also add the fact that horizontal and vertical inverses of paths are equal
Make one more argument explicit in eq.cancel_left and eq.cancel_right (to make it nicer to write 'apply cancel_right p')
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): small changes
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): add some attributes
2016-02-22 11:15:38 -08:00
Jakob von Raumer
feat(hott): add another constructor for pointed equivalences
2016-02-09 09:57:59 -08:00
Jakob von Raumer
feat(hott): add smash product of pointed types
2016-02-09 09:57:33 -08:00
Jakob von Raumer
feat(hott): add symmetry of pushouts and pointed pushouts
2016-01-24 16:30:26 -08:00
Jakob von Raumer
feat(hott): add calc lemmas for pointed equivalences, make pinl and pinr constructors
2016-01-24 16:30:16 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): minor fixes. allow the usage of numerals for trunc_index
2015-12-17 12:46:16 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): port nat and int from the standard library
2015-12-09 12:36:11 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(algebra|types): small additions
add to markdown file for algebra, and add some definitions in types/
2015-11-22 14:21:25 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(homotopy/circle): give all higher homotopy groups of the circle
2015-11-22 14:21:25 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(algebra/homotopy_group): define homotopy groups
2015-11-16 21:32:09 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(types/pointed): change definition of loop space
2015-11-16 21:32:09 -08:00
Floris van Doorn
fix(hott): notation spacing and markdown files
2015-10-02 16:26:10 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): port more from chapters 4 and 6 of the book
2015-09-28 09:09:21 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various minor changes in the HoTT library
2015-08-04 13:01:11 +02:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(library/tactic/rewrite_tactic): try to fold nested recursive applications after unfolding a recursive function
See issue #692 .
The implementation still has some rough spots.
It is not clear what the right semantic is.
Moreover, the folds in e_closure could not be eliminated automatically.
2015-07-08 21:19:18 -04:00
Leonardo de Moura
feat(frontends/lean): rename '[unfold-c]' to '[unfold]' and '[unfold-f]' to '[unfold-full]'
see issue #693
2015-07-07 16:37:06 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various clean-up and small additions
2015-06-25 22:31:40 -04:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hit/susp): finish the proof that loop space is adjoint to the suspension
2015-06-25 22:31:40 -04:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): various cleanup and fixes, rename \~ to ~, expand types.pointed
2015-06-25 22:31:40 -04:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hit/sphere): Prove that maps from S^n to an (n-1)-type are constant
2015-06-04 20:14:13 -04:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): Port remainder of §6.3 and §7.2 from the HoTT book
Also prove a theorem similar to Lemma 7.3.1
There are still some sorry's in hit.suspension
2015-06-04 20:14:12 -04:00
Jeremy Avigad
refactor(hott/*): remove 'Module:' lines
2015-05-23 20:52:58 +10:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott.circle): prove that the fundamental group of the circle is equal to the integers, as groups
Also many minor fixes at various places
2015-05-18 15:59:55 -07:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott/algebra/precategory): general cleanup in precategories, define uncurrying functor
2015-02-28 01:16:23 -05:00
Floris van Doorn
feat(hott): rename definition and cleanup in HoTT library
also add more definitions in types.pi, types.path, algebra.precategory
the (pre)category library still needs cleanup
authors of this commit: @avigad, @javra, @fpvandoorn
2015-02-20 21:40:42 -05:00