Commit graph

1543 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Leonardo de Moura
e6fb6f7d1e feat(frontends/lean/parser): add assumption command, and allow Lean expressions (proof terms) to be used with apply tactic command
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 20:08:51 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
0c059a9917 feat(library/tactic): use _tac suffix instead of _tactic like Isabelle
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 20:06:32 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
1b176204b4 feat(frontends/lean/parser): allow the user to use a theorem/axiom name as an argument for the apply tactic command
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 19:03:12 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
e1d44eec6b fix(frontends/lean/parser): bug in parse_tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 17:40:55 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
a564795fe6 fix(frontends/lean/parser): remove unnecessary '#' after error
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 17:27:08 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
74a8b5f2f4 test(tests/lean/interactive): add back command test
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 17:19:53 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
e069ce640b feat(frontends/lean/parser): add tactic abort command
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 17:15:19 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
34654ad06b feat(tests/lean/interactive): add interactive mode test script
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 16:56:20 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
e3848d43a2 feat(frontends/lean): improve tactic command parsing in interactive mode
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 16:28:08 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
fa98c1358f feat(library/tactic): add disj_tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 04:49:06 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
029ef57abd feat(library/tactic): add apply_tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-05 03:22:12 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
e60e20a11d feat(frontends/lean): add Exit command
Remark: on Windows, Ctrl-D does not seem to work.
So, this commit also changes the Lean startup message.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-04 10:40:22 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
8e53643b61 feat(library/fo_unify): first order unification
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-03 12:21:21 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
dd62af1641 feat(frontends/parser): simplified theorem definition using tactical proof
When using tactics for proving theorems, a common pattern is

     Theorem T : <proposition> := _.
          apply <tactic>.

This commit allows the user to write the simplified form:

     Theorem T : <proposition>.
          apply <tactic>.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-02 08:20:18 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
25978118df feat(library/tactic): add beta-reduction tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-02 08:10:51 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
1ec8f9d536 feat(kernel): add abstraction (aka function extensionality) axiom
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 13:57:14 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
09f98ecddc feat(library/tactic): add unfold_tactic() that unfolds every non-hidden definition
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 10:41:05 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
70e06f8e86 feat(library/hidden_defs): hidden definitions are just hints for tactics and solvers
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 10:27:27 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
ca53a5a1cc feat(library/tactic): add unfold tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 08:51:56 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
f91c4901e8 feat(library/tactic): add absurd_tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 07:55:00 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
bf2adb20e7 feat(library/tactic): add disj_hyp_tactic
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-12-01 07:55:00 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
1a221d8bbe feat(library/tactic): add focus tactical
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-30 11:28:38 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
98897b467d feat(frontends/lean/parser): add support for Lua expression code blocks
In expression code blocks, we do not have to write a "return".
After this commit, the argument of an apply command is a Lua expression instead of a Lua block of code. That is, we can now write

apply (** REPEAT(ORELSE(imp_tactic, conj_tactic, conj_hyp_tactic, assumption_tactic)) **)

instead of

apply (** return REPEAT(ORELSE(imp_tactic, conj_tactic, conj_hyp_tactic, assumption_tactic)) **)

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-29 10:21:24 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
f9874cd675 feat(library/tactic): add to_tactic_ext, it allows functions that return tactics to be used where a tactic is expected
For example, after this commit, we can write

simple_tac = REPEAT(ORELSE(imp_tactic, conj_tactic)) .. assumption_tactic

instead of

simple_tac = REPEAT(ORELSE(imp_tactic(), conj_tactic())) .. assumption_tactic()

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-29 09:40:21 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
20a36e98ec feat(library/elaborator): modify how elaborator handles constraints of the form ?M << P and P << ?M, where P is a proposition.
Before this commit, the elaborator would only assign ?M <- P, if P was normalized. This is bad since normalization may "destroy" the structure of P.

For example, consider the constraint
[a : Bool; b : Bool; c : Bool] ⊢ ?M::1 ≺ implies a (implies b (and a b))

Before this, ?M::1 will not be assigned to the "implies-term" because the "implies-term" is not normalized yet.
So, the elaborator would continue to process the constraint, and convert it into:

[a : Bool; b : Bool; c : Bool] ⊢ ?M::1 ≺ if Bool a (if Bool b (if Bool (if Bool a (if Bool b false true) true) false true) true) true

Now, ?M::1 is assigned to the term
     if Bool a (if Bool b (if Bool (if Bool a (if Bool b false true) true) false true) true) true

This is bad, since the original structure was lost.

This commit also contains an example that only works after the commit is applied.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-29 09:15:01 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
b3f87e2e4f feat(library/tactic): make THEN, ORELSE, APPEND, PAR and INTERLEAVE nary combinators
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 22:11:07 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
7ed78815e0 fix(tests/lua): incorrect assertion
The assertion got violated after a bug was fixed in the to_goal procedure.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 21:53:57 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
5dfb3b8b56 feat(frontends/lean/parse): allow script-code blocks to be used in the apply command
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 21:48:30 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
c6b05bcfcb feat(library/tactic): modify assumption_tactic, it should fail if not applicable, and TRY tactical
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 18:23:38 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
e3f3ec5553 feat(library/tactic): expose conj_tactic, imp_tactic, conj_hyp_tactic in the Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 18:17:15 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
662fb71d59 chore(tests/lua/threads): fix type in file name
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 13:12:54 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
ce674d2d43 feat(library/tactic): execute Lua tactics using coroutines
This is very important when several Lua tactics are implemented in the
same Lua State object.  In this case, even if we use the par
combinator, a Lua tactic will block the other Lua tactics running in
the same Lua State object.

With this commit, a Lua tactic can use yield to allow other tactics
in the same State object to execute.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 13:09:33 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
09bc7ddf91 feat(library/tactic): add support for migratic tactic framework object between Lua states
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-28 08:03:05 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
3dc7a856f0 refactor(library/tactic): use unprotect/protect idiom for callbacks in the tactic API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-27 18:11:46 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
b4a8418d38 feat(library/tactic): expose tactics in the Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-27 17:47:29 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
0934d7b2f4 fix(frontends/lua): make sure Lua 'sleep' function support interruption
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-27 13:25:06 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
d87ad9eb7e refactor(util/lua): propagate C++ Lean exceptions in Lua
The following call sequence is possible:
C++ -> Lua -> C++ -> Lua -> C++

The first block of C++ is the Lean main function.
The main function invokes the Lua interpreter.
The Lua interpreter invokes a C++ Lean API.
Then the Lean API invokes a callback implemented in Lua.
The Lua callback invokes another Lean API.
Now, suppose the Lean API throws an exception.
We want the C++ exception to propagate over the mixed C++/Lua call stack.
We use the clone/rethrow exception idiom to achieve this goal.

Before this commit, the C++ exceptions were converted into strings
using the method what(), and then they were propagated over the Lua
stack using lua_error. A lua_error was then converted into a lua_exception when going back to C++.
This solution was very unsatisfactory, since all C++ exceptions were being converted into a lua_exception, and consequently the structure of the exception was being lost.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-27 12:25:29 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
99a811a586 feat(bindings/lua): expose io_state object in the Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-26 12:54:47 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
861be072d8 feat(bindings/lua): add proof_state to Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-26 11:34:58 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
fd3b9e39f6 feat(bindings/lua): add cex_builder to Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-26 09:17:57 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
4d9075bdfd feat(bindings/lua): add proof_map, assignment and proof_builder to Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-26 08:37:37 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
3ebc099ec5 feat(bindings/lua/options): improve options Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-25 21:05:05 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
feeb6d9105 feat(bindings/lua): add goal object to Lua API
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-25 20:51:47 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
7b8bd97699 feat(lua/expr): add method for extracting semantic attachment data
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-19 19:06:47 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
a98fdd9be6 refactor(shell): combine lean and leanlua executables in a single executable
The main motivation is to allow users to configure/extend Lean using .lua files before loading the actual .lean files.
        ./lean extension1.lua extension2.lua file.lean

Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-19 16:48:21 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
87775cbc07 chore(build): include incorrect output in the logs
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-18 15:39:55 -08:00
Soonho Kong
20756c382c test(*): split leantests, leanslowtests, leanluatests, leanluadocs into singletons 2013-11-18 18:27:11 -05:00
Leonardo de Moura
b2d1acd0b7 test(lua/environment): add missing tests
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-18 09:27:46 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
1315378ebb test(*): add missing tests
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-18 09:13:34 -08:00
Leonardo de Moura
7976937e4c test(lua/metavar_env): add missing tests
Signed-off-by: Leonardo de Moura <>
2013-11-17 19:18:47 -08:00