2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/>
* Chapter 11: Deep and Shallow Embeddings
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *)
Require Import Frap.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Set Implicit Arguments.
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
(** * Shared notations and definitions; main material starts afterward. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Notation "m $! k" := (match m $? k with Some n => n | None => O end) (at level 30).
Definition heap := fmap nat nat.
Definition assertion := heap -> Prop.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => linear_arithmetic.
Example h0 : heap := $0 $+ (0, 2) $+ (1, 1) $+ (2, 8) $+ (3, 6).
Hint Rewrite max_l max_r using linear_arithmetic.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
Ltac simp := repeat (simplify; subst; propositional;
try match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H
end); try linear_arithmetic.
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
(** * Basic concepts of shallow, deep, and mixed embeddings *)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We often have many options for how to encode some sort of formal expression.
* The simplest way is to write it directly as a Gallina functional program,
* which Coq knows how to evaluate directly. That style is called
* *shallow embedding*. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
Module SimpleShallow.
Definition foo (x y : nat) : nat :=
let u := x + y in
let v := u * y in
u + v.
End SimpleShallow.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Alternatively, we can do as we have been through most of the chapters: define
* inductive types of program syntax, along with semantics for syntax trees.
* That style is called *deep embedding*. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
Module SimpleDeep.
Inductive exp :=
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Const (n : nat)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| Var (x : var)
| Plus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Times (e1 e2 : exp)
| Let (x : var) (e1 e2 : exp).
Definition foo : exp :=
Let "u" (Plus (Var "x") (Var "y"))
(Let "v" (Times (Var "u") (Var "y"))
(Plus (Var "u") (Var "v"))).
Fixpoint interp (e : exp) (v : fmap var nat) : nat :=
match e with
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Const n => n
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| Var x => v $! x
| Plus e1 e2 => interp e1 v + interp e2 v
| Times e1 e2 => interp e1 v * interp e2 v
| Let x e1 e2 => interp e2 (v $+ (x, interp e1 v))
End SimpleDeep.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We defined function [foo] in shallow and deep styles, and it is easy to prove
* that the encodings are equivalent. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
Theorem shallow_to_deep : forall x y,
SimpleShallow.foo x y = SimpleDeep.interp SimpleDeep.foo ($0 $+ ("x", x) $+ ("y", y)).
unfold SimpleShallow.foo.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* More interestingly, we can mix characteristics of the two styles. To explain
* exactly how, it's important to introduce the distinction between the
* *metalanguage*, in which we do our proofs (e.g., Coq for us); and the
* *object language*, which we formalize explicitly (e.g., lambda calculus,
* simple imperative programs, ...). With *higher-order abstract syntax*, we
* represent binders of the object language using the function types of the
* metalanguage. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
Module SimpleMixed.
Inductive exp :=
| Const (n : nat)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Var (x : string)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| Plus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Times (e1 e2 : exp)
| Let (e1 : exp) (e2 : nat -> exp).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Note a [Let] body is a *function* over the computed value attached to the
* variable being bound. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
Definition foo : exp :=
Let (Plus (Var "x") (Var "y"))
(fun u => Let (Times (Const u) (Var "y"))
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
(fun v => Plus (Const u) (Const v))).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
Fixpoint interp (e : exp) (v : fmap var nat) : nat :=
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
match e with
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Var x => v $! x
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| Const n => n
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Plus e1 e2 => interp e1 v + interp e2 v
| Times e1 e2 => interp e1 v * interp e2 v
| Let e1 e2 => interp (e2 (interp e1 v)) v
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We can even do useful transformations on such expressions within Gallina,
* as in this function to recursively simplify additions of 0 and
* multiplications by 1. *)
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
Fixpoint reduce (e : exp) : exp :=
match e with
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Var x => Var x
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| Const n => Const n
| Plus e1 e2 =>
let e1' := reduce e1 in
let e2' := reduce e2 in
match e1' with
| Const 0 => e2'
| _ => match e2' with
| Const 0 => e1'
| _ => Plus e1' e2'
| Times e1 e2 =>
let e1' := reduce e1 in
let e2' := reduce e2 in
match e1' with
| Const 1 => e2'
| _ => match e2' with
| Const 1 => e1'
| _ => Times e1' e2'
| Let e1 e2 =>
let e1' := reduce e1 in
match e1' with
| Const n => reduce (e2 n)
| _ => Let e1' (fun n => reduce (e2 n))
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* This example shows simplification, even under binders. *)
Compute (reduce (Let (Plus (Const 0) (Const 1))
(fun n => Let (Times (Var "x") (Const 2))
(fun m => Times (Const n) (Const m))))).
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* The transformation is provably meaning-preserving. *)
Theorem reduce_ok : forall v e, interp (reduce e) v = interp e v.
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
induct e; simplify;
repeat match goal with
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| [ H : _ = interp _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
| [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify; subst; try linear_arithmetic
end; eauto.
End SimpleMixed.
Theorem shallow_to_mixed : forall x y,
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
SimpleShallow.foo x y = SimpleMixed.interp SimpleMixed.foo ($0 $+ ("x", x) $+ ("y", y)).
2016-04-10 18:53:36 -04:00
unfold SimpleShallow.foo.
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
(** * Shallow embedding of a language very similar to the one we used last chapter *)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* With the basic terminology out of the way, let's see these ideas in action,
* to encode the sort of imperative language we studied in the previous
* chapter. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Module Shallow.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* As a shallow embedding, we can represent imperative programs as functional
* programs that manipulate heaps explicitly. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Definition cmd result := heap -> heap * result.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Parameter [result] gives the type of the value being computed by a
* command. The command is a function taking the initial heap as input, and
* it returns a pair of the final heap and the command's result. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We can redefine Hoare triples over these functional programs. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Definition hoare_triple (P : assertion) {result} (c : cmd result) (Q : result -> assertion) :=
forall h, P h
-> let (h', r) := c h in
Q r h'.
Notation "{{ h ~> P }} c {{ r & h' ~> Q }}" :=
(hoare_triple (fun h => P) c (fun r h' => Q)) (at level 90, c at next level).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Standard rules of Hoare logic can be proved as lemmas. For instance,
* here's the rule of consequence. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Theorem consequence : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q
(P' : assertion) (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'.
unfold hoare_triple; simplify.
specialize (H h).
specialize (H0 h).
cases (c h).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* However, the programs themselves look quite different from those we saw in
* the previous chapter. This function computes the maximum among the first [i]
* cells of memory and the accumulator [acc]. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Fixpoint array_max (i acc : nat) : cmd nat :=
fun h =>
match i with
| O => (h, acc)
| S i' =>
let h_i' := h $! i' in
array_max i' (max h_i' acc) h
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We can prove its correctness via preconditions and postconditions. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Lemma array_max_ok' : forall len i acc,
{{ h ~> forall j, i <= j < len -> h $! j <= acc }}
array_max i acc
{{ r&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j <= r }}.
induct i; unfold hoare_triple in *; simplify; propositional; auto.
specialize (IHi (max (h $! i) acc) h); propositional.
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
cases (array_max i (max (h $! i) acc) h); simplify; propositional; subst.
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
apply IHi; auto.
cases (j0 ==n i); subst; auto.
assert (h $! j0 <= acc) by auto.
Theorem array_max_ok : forall len,
{{ _ ~> True }}
array_max len 0
{{ r&h ~> forall i, i < len -> h $! i <= r }}.
eapply consequence.
apply array_max_ok' with (len := len).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We can also run the program on concrete inputs. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Example run_array_max0 : array_max 4 0 h0 = (h0, 8).
unfold h0.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* One more example in the same style: increment each of the first [i] cells
* of memory. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Fixpoint increment_all (i : nat) : cmd unit :=
fun h =>
match i with
| O => (h, tt)
| S i' => increment_all i' (h $+ (i', S (h $! i')))
Lemma increment_all_ok' : forall len h0 i,
{{ h ~> (forall j, j < i -> h $! j = h0 $! j)
/\ (forall j, i <= j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j)) }}
increment_all i
{{ _&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j) }}.
induct i; unfold hoare_triple in *; simplify; propositional; auto.
specialize (IHi (h $+ (i, S (h $! i)))); propositional.
cases (increment_all i (h $+ (i, S (h $! i)))); simplify; propositional; subst.
apply H; simplify; auto.
cases (j0 ==n i); subst; auto.
simplify; auto.
simplify; auto.
Theorem increment_all_ok : forall len h0,
{{ h ~> h = h0 }}
increment_all len
{{ _&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j) }}.
eapply consequence.
apply increment_all_ok' with (len := len).
simplify; subst; propositional.
Example run_increment_all0 : increment_all 4 h0 = ($0 $+ (0, 3) $+ (1, 2) $+ (2, 9) $+ (3, 7), tt).
unfold h0.
End Shallow.
(** * A basic deep embedding *)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* One disadvantage of the last style of programs is computational efficiency:
* real CPU architectures don't manipulate memory as functional maps that are
* passed around, and the abstraction gap between our code and CPUs prevents us
* from taking maximum advantage of the hardware to achieve good performance.
* To help regain that efficiency, let's do a deep embedding of the language.
* Actually, it's a mixed embedding, with no explicit concept of variables,
* using higher-order abstract syntax to represent binders. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Module Deep.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Inductive cmd : Set -> Type :=
| Return {result : Set} (r : result) : cmd result
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
| Bind {result result'} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) : cmd result
| Read (a : nat) : cmd nat
| Write (a v : nat) : cmd unit.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* These constructors are most easily explained through examples. We'll
* translate both of the programs from the shallowly embedding above. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Fixpoint array_max (i acc : nat) : cmd nat :=
match i with
| O => Return acc
| S i' =>
h_i' <- Read i';
array_max i' (max h_i' acc)
Fixpoint increment_all (i : nat) : cmd unit :=
match i with
| O => Return tt
| S i' =>
v <- Read i';
_ <- Write i' (S v);
increment_all i'
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Note how this is truly a mixed encoding: we freely use Gallina constructs
* like [match], mixed in with instructions specific to the object language,
* like reading or writing memory. An interpreter explains what it all means,
* reducing programs to their original type from the shallow embedding. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Fixpoint interp {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) : heap * result :=
match c with
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Return _ r => (h, r)
| Bind _ _ c1 c2 =>
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
let (h', r) := interp c1 h in
interp (c2 r) h'
| Read a => (h, h $! a)
| Write a v => (h $+ (a, v), tt)
Example run_array_max0 : interp (array_max 4 0) h0 = (h0, 8).
unfold h0.
Example run_increment_all0 : interp (increment_all 4) h0 = ($0 $+ (0, 3) $+ (1, 2) $+ (2, 9) $+ (3, 7), tt).
unfold h0.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* This time, we define a Hoare-triple relation syntactically. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Inductive hoare_triple : assertion -> forall {result}, cmd result -> (result -> assertion) -> Prop :=
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
| HtReturn : forall P {result : Set} (v : result),
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
hoare_triple P (Return v) (fun r h => P h /\ r = v)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
| HtBind : forall P {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) Q R,
hoare_triple P c1 Q
-> (forall r, hoare_triple (Q r) (c2 r) R)
-> hoare_triple P (Bind c1 c2) R
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Interesting thing about this rule: the second premise uses nested
* universal quantification over all possible results of the first command. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
| HtRead : forall P a,
hoare_triple P (Read a) (fun r h => P h /\ r = h $! a)
| HtWrite : forall P a v,
hoare_triple P (Write a v) (fun _ h => exists h', P h' /\ h = h' $+ (a, v))
| HtConsequence : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : assertion) (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Lemma HtStrengthen : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P c Q'.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Here are a few tactics, whose details we won't explain, but which
* streamline the individual program proofs below. *)
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
Ltac basic := apply HtReturn || eapply HtRead || eapply HtWrite.
Ltac step0 := basic || eapply HtBind || (eapply HtStrengthen; [ basic | ]).
Ltac step := step0; simp.
Ltac ht := simp; repeat step; eauto.
Ltac conseq := simplify; eapply HtConsequence.
Ltac use_IH H := conseq; [ apply H | .. ]; ht.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Notation "{{ h ~> P }} c {{ r & h' ~> Q }}" :=
(hoare_triple (fun h => P) c (fun r h' => Q)) (at level 90, c at next level).
Lemma array_max_ok' : forall len i acc,
{{ h ~> forall j, i <= j < len -> h $! j <= acc }}
array_max i acc
{{ r&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j <= r }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
induct i; ht.
use_IH IHi.
cases (j ==n i); simp.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
assert (h $! j <= acc) by auto.
Theorem array_max_ok : forall len,
{{ _ ~> True }}
array_max len 0
{{ r&h ~> forall i, i < len -> h $! i <= r }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
apply array_max_ok' with (len := len).
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Lemma increment_all_ok' : forall len h0 i,
{{ h ~> (forall j, j < i -> h $! j = h0 $! j)
/\ (forall j, i <= j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j)) }}
increment_all i
{{ _&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j) }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
induct i; ht.
use_IH IHi.
cases (j ==n i); simp.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Theorem increment_all_ok : forall len h0,
{{ h ~> h = h0 }}
increment_all len
{{ _&h ~> forall j, j < len -> h $! j = S (h0 $! j) }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
apply increment_all_ok' with (len := len).
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* It's easy to prove the syntactic Hoare-triple relation sound with
* respect to the semantic one from the shallow embedding. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Theorem hoare_triple_sound : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> forall h, P h
-> let (h', r) := interp c h in
Q r h'.
induct 1; simplify; propositional; eauto.
specialize (IHhoare_triple h).
cases (interp c1 h).
apply H1; eauto.
specialize (IHhoare_triple h).
cases (interp c h).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We use Coq's *extraction* feature to produce OCaml versions of our deeply
* embedded programs. Then we can run them using OCaml intepreters, which are
* able to take advantage of the side effects built into OCaml, as a
* performance optimization. This command generates file "Deep.ml", which can
* be loaded along with "DeepInterp.ml" to run the generated code. Note how
* the latter file uses OCaml's built-in mutable hash-table type for efficient
* representation of program memories. *)
2016-04-10 13:48:58 -04:00
Extraction "Deep.ml" array_max increment_all.
End Deep.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
(** * A slightly fancier deep embedding, adding unbounded loops *)
Module Deeper.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* All programs in the last embedding must terminate, but let's add loops with
* the potential to run forever, which takes us beyond what is representable
* in the shallow embedding, since Gallina enforces terminating of all
* programs. *)
(* We use this type to represent the outcome of a single loop iteration.
* These are functional loops, where we successively modify an accumulator
* value across iterations. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Inductive loop_outcome acc :=
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Done (a : acc) (* The loop finished, and here is the final accumulator. *)
| Again (a : acc) (* Keep looping, with this new accumulator. *).
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Inductive cmd : Set -> Type :=
| Return {result : Set} (r : result) : cmd result
| Bind {result result'} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) : cmd result
| Read (a : nat) : cmd nat
| Write (a v : nat) : cmd unit
| Loop {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) : cmd acc.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Again, it's all easier to explain with an example. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Notation "'for' x := i 'loop' c1 'done'" := (Loop i (fun x => c1)) (right associativity, at level 80).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* This program finds the first occurrence in memory of value [needle]. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Definition index_of (needle : nat) : cmd nat :=
for i := 0 loop
h_i <- Read i;
if h_i ==n needle then
Return (Done i)
Return (Again (S i))
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Next, we write a single-stepping interpreter for this language. We can
* know longer write a straightforward big-stepping interpeter, as programs of
* the object language can diverge, while Gallina enforces termination. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Inductive stepResult (result : Set) :=
| Answer (r : result)
| Stepped (h : heap) (c : cmd result).
Fixpoint step {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) : stepResult result :=
match c with
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Return _ r => Answer r
| Bind _ _ c1 c2 =>
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
match step c1 h with
| Answer r => Stepped h (c2 r)
| Stepped h' c1' => Stepped h' (Bind c1' c2)
| Read a => Answer (h $! a)
| Write a v => Stepped (h $+ (a, v)) (Return tt)
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Loop _ init body =>
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Stepped h (r <- body init;
match r with
| Done r' => Return r'
| Again r' => Loop r' body
Fixpoint multiStep {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) (n : nat) : stepResult result :=
match n with
| O => Stepped h c
| S n' => match step c h with
| Answer r => Answer r
| Stepped h' c' => multiStep c' h' n'
Example run_index_of : multiStep (index_of 6) h0 20 = Answer 3.
unfold h0.
Inductive hoare_triple : assertion -> forall {result}, cmd result -> (result -> assertion) -> Prop :=
| HtReturn : forall P {result : Set} (v : result),
hoare_triple P (Return v) (fun r h => P h /\ r = v)
| HtBind : forall P {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) Q R,
hoare_triple P c1 Q
-> (forall r, hoare_triple (Q r) (c2 r) R)
-> hoare_triple P (Bind c1 c2) R
| HtRead : forall P a,
hoare_triple P (Read a) (fun r h => P h /\ r = h $! a)
| HtWrite : forall P a v,
hoare_triple P (Write a v) (fun _ h => exists h', P h' /\ h = h' $+ (a, v))
| HtConsequence : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : assertion) (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| HtLoop : forall {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc))
(I : loop_outcome acc -> assertion),
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
(forall acc, hoare_triple (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I)
-> hoare_triple (I (Again init)) (Loop init body) (fun r h => I (Done r) h).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* The loop rule contains a tricky new kind of invariant, parameterized on the
* current loop state: either [Done] for a finished loop or [Again] for a loop
* still in progress. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Notation "{{ h ~> P }} c {{ r & h' ~> Q }}" :=
(hoare_triple (fun h => P) c (fun r h' => Q)) (at level 90, c at next level).
Lemma HtStrengthen : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P c Q'.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
Lemma HtWeaken : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
Ltac basic := apply HtReturn || eapply HtRead || eapply HtWrite.
Ltac step0 := basic || eapply HtBind || (eapply HtStrengthen; [ basic | ]).
Ltac step := step0; simp.
Ltac ht := simp; repeat step; eauto.
Ltac conseq := simplify; eapply HtConsequence.
Ltac use_IH H := conseq; [ apply H | .. ]; ht.
Ltac loop_inv Inv := eapply HtConsequence; [ apply HtLoop with (I := Inv) | .. ]; ht.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We prove our [index_of] example correct, relying crucially on a tactic
* [loop_inv] to prove a loop by giving its loop invariant, which, recall, is
* parameterized on a [loop_outcome]. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Theorem index_of_ok : forall hinit needle,
{{ h ~> h = hinit }}
index_of needle
{{ r&h ~> h = hinit
/\ hinit $! r = needle
/\ forall i, i < r -> hinit $! i <> needle }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
loop_inv (fun r h => h = hinit
/\ match r with
| Done r' => hinit $! r' = needle
/\ forall i, i < r' -> hinit $! i <> needle
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
| Again r' => forall i, i < r' -> hinit $! i <> needle
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
cases (r ==n needle); ht.
cases (i ==n acc); simp.
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
apply H3 with (i0 := i); auto.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* The single-stepping interpreter forms the basis for defining transition
* systems from commands. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Definition trsys_of {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) := {|
Initial := {(c, h)};
Step := fun p1 p2 => step (fst p1) (snd p1) = Stepped (snd p2) (fst p2)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We now prove soundness of [hoare_triple], starting from a number of
* inversion lemmas for it, collapsing the potential effects of many nested
* rule-of-consequence applications. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Lemma invert_Return : forall {result : Set} (r : result) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Return r) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q r h.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
Lemma invert_Bind : forall {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Bind c1 c2) Q
-> exists R, hoare_triple P c1 R
/\ forall r, hoare_triple (R r) (c2 r) Q.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
invert IHhoare_triple; propositional.
eexists; propositional.
eapply HtWeaken.
eapply HtStrengthen.
apply H4.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Highly technical point: in some of the inductions below, we wind up needing
* to show that the cases for [Read] and [Write] can never overlap, which
* would imply that they have the same result types, which would mean that the
* types [unit] and [nat] are equal. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Lemma unit_not_nat : unit = nat -> False.
assert (exists x : unit, forall y : unit, x = y).
exists tt; simplify.
cases y; reflexivity.
rewrite H in H0.
invert H0.
specialize (H1 (S x)).
Lemma invert_Read : forall a P Q,
hoare_triple P (Read a) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q (h $! a) h.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
apply unit_not_nat in x0.
Lemma invert_Write : forall a v P Q,
hoare_triple P (Write a v) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q tt (h $+ (a, v)).
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
symmetry in x0.
apply unit_not_nat in x0.
Lemma invert_Loop : forall {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Loop init body) Q
-> exists I, (forall acc, hoare_triple (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I)
/\ (forall h, P h -> I (Again init) h)
/\ (forall r h, I (Done r) h -> Q r h).
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
invert IHhoare_triple; propositional.
exists x; propositional; eauto.
Lemma step_sound : forall {result} (c : cmd result) h Q,
hoare_triple (fun h' => h' = h) c Q
-> match step c h with
| Answer r => Q r h
| Stepped h' c' => hoare_triple (fun h'' => h'' = h') c' Q
induct c; simplify; propositional.
eapply invert_Return.
simplify; auto.
apply invert_Bind in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
apply IHc in H0.
cases (step c h); auto.
apply H2.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply invert_Read; eauto.
simplify; auto.
eapply HtStrengthen.
simplify; propositional; subst.
eapply invert_Write; eauto.
simplify; auto.
apply invert_Loop in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
eapply HtWeaken.
apply H0.
cases r.
eapply HtStrengthen.
propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtStrengthen.
eapply HtLoop.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Clever choice of strengthened invariant here: intermediate commands are
* checked against degenerate preconditions that force equality to the current
* heap, and the postcondition is preserved across all steps. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Lemma hoare_triple_sound' : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> forall h, P h
-> invariantFor (trsys_of c h)
(fun p => hoare_triple (fun h => h = snd p)
(fst p)
apply invariant_induction; simplify.
propositional; subst; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence.
eapply step_sound in H1.
rewrite H2 in H1.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Proving: if we reach a [Return] state, the postcondition holds. *)
2016-04-10 15:10:56 -04:00
Theorem hoare_triple_sound : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> forall h, P h
-> invariantFor (trsys_of c h)
(fun p => forall r, fst p = Return r
-> Q r (snd p)).
eapply invariant_weaken.
eapply hoare_triple_sound'; eauto.
rewrite H2 in H1.
eapply invert_Return; eauto.
simplify; auto.
Extraction "Deeper.ml" index_of.
End Deeper.
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
(** * Adding the possibility of program failure *)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Let's model another effect that can be implemented using native OCaml
* features. We'll add a very basic form of exceptions, namely just one
* (uncatchable) exception, for program failure. We'll prove, by the end, that
* verified programs never throw the exception. *)
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Module DeeperWithFail.
Inductive loop_outcome acc :=
| Done (a : acc)
| Again (a : acc).
Inductive cmd : Set -> Type :=
| Return {result : Set} (r : result) : cmd result
| Bind {result result'} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) : cmd result
| Read (a : nat) : cmd nat
| Write (a v : nat) : cmd unit
| Loop {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) : cmd acc
| Fail {result} : cmd result.
Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Notation "'for' x := i 'loop' c1 'done'" := (Loop i (fun x => c1)) (right associativity, at level 80).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* This program loops forever, maintaining a tally in memory address 0.
* We periodically test that address, failing if it's ever found to be 0. *)
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Definition forever : cmd nat :=
_ <- Write 0 1;
for i := 1 loop
h_i <- Read i;
acc <- Read 0;
match acc with
| 0 => Fail
| _ =>
_ <- Write 0 (acc + h_i);
Return (Again (i + 1))
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* We adapt our single-stepper with a new result kind, for failure. *)
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Inductive stepResult (result : Set) :=
| Answer (r : result)
| Stepped (h : heap) (c : cmd result)
| Failed.
Implicit Arguments Failed [result].
Fixpoint step {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) : stepResult result :=
match c with
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Return _ r => Answer r
| Bind _ _ c1 c2 =>
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
match step c1 h with
| Answer r => Stepped h (c2 r)
| Stepped h' c1' => Stepped h' (Bind c1' c2)
| Failed => Failed
| Read a => Answer (h $! a)
| Write a v => Stepped (h $+ (a, v)) (Return tt)
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Loop _ init body =>
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Stepped h (r <- body init;
match r with
| Done r' => Return r'
| Again r' => Loop r' body
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
| Fail _ => Failed
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Fixpoint multiStep {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) (n : nat) : stepResult result :=
match n with
| O => Stepped h c
| S n' => match step c h with
| Answer r => Answer r
| Stepped h' c' => multiStep c' h' n'
| Failed => Failed
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Extraction "DeeperWithFail.ml" forever.
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Inductive hoare_triple : assertion -> forall {result}, cmd result -> (result -> assertion) -> Prop :=
| HtReturn : forall P {result : Set} (v : result),
hoare_triple P (Return v) (fun r h => P h /\ r = v)
| HtBind : forall P {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) Q R,
hoare_triple P c1 Q
-> (forall r, hoare_triple (Q r) (c2 r) R)
-> hoare_triple P (Bind c1 c2) R
| HtRead : forall P a,
hoare_triple P (Read a) (fun r h => P h /\ r = h $! a)
| HtWrite : forall P a v,
hoare_triple P (Write a v) (fun _ h => exists h', P h' /\ h = h' $+ (a, v))
| HtConsequence : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : assertion) (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q'
| HtLoop : forall {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) I,
(forall acc, hoare_triple (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I)
-> hoare_triple (I (Again init)) (Loop init body) (fun r h => I (Done r) h)
| HtFail : forall {result},
hoare_triple (fun _ => False) (Fail (result := result)) (fun _ _ => False).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* The rule for [Fail] simply enforces that this command can't be reachable,
* since it gets an unsatisfiable precondition. *)
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Notation "{{ h ~> P }} c {{ r & h' ~> Q }}" :=
(hoare_triple (fun h => P) c (fun r h' => Q)) (at level 90, c at next level).
Lemma HtStrengthen : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (Q' : _ -> assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall r h, Q r h -> Q' r h)
-> hoare_triple P c Q'.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
Lemma HtWeaken : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : assertion),
hoare_triple P c Q
-> (forall h, P' h -> P h)
-> hoare_triple P' c Q.
eapply HtConsequence; eauto.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
Ltac basic := apply HtReturn || eapply HtRead || eapply HtWrite.
Ltac step0 := basic || eapply HtBind || (eapply HtStrengthen; [ basic | ])
|| (eapply HtConsequence; [ apply HtFail | .. ]).
Ltac step := step0; simp.
Ltac ht := simp; repeat step.
Ltac conseq := simplify; eapply HtConsequence.
Ltac use_IH H := conseq; [ apply H | .. ]; ht.
Ltac loop_inv0 Inv := (eapply HtWeaken; [ apply HtLoop with (I := Inv) | .. ])
|| (eapply HtConsequence; [ apply HtLoop with (I := Inv) | .. ]).
Ltac loop_inv Inv := loop_inv0 Inv; ht.
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Theorem forever_ok :
{{ _ ~> True }}
{{ _&_ ~> False }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
loop_inv (fun (r : loop_outcome nat) h => h $! 0 > 0 /\ match r with
| Done _ => False
| _ => True
cases r1; ht.
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Definition trsys_of {result} (c : cmd result) (h : heap) := {|
Initial := {(c, h)};
Step := fun p1 p2 => step (fst p1) (snd p1) = Stepped (snd p2) (fst p2)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Next, we adapt the proof of soundness from before. *)
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
Lemma invert_Return : forall {result : Set} (r : result) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Return r) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q r h.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
Lemma invert_Bind : forall {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Bind c1 c2) Q
-> exists R, hoare_triple P c1 R
/\ forall r, hoare_triple (R r) (c2 r) Q.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
invert IHhoare_triple; propositional.
eexists; propositional.
eapply HtWeaken.
eapply HtStrengthen.
apply H4.
Lemma unit_not_nat : unit = nat -> False.
assert (exists x : unit, forall y : unit, x = y).
exists tt; simplify.
cases y; reflexivity.
rewrite H in H0.
invert H0.
specialize (H1 (S x)).
Lemma invert_Read : forall a P Q,
hoare_triple P (Read a) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q (h $! a) h.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
apply unit_not_nat in x0.
Lemma invert_Write : forall a v P Q,
hoare_triple P (Write a v) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q tt (h $+ (a, v)).
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
symmetry in x0.
apply unit_not_nat in x0.
Lemma invert_Loop : forall {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Loop init body) Q
-> exists I, (forall acc, hoare_triple (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I)
/\ (forall h, P h -> I (Again init) h)
/\ (forall r h, I (Done r) h -> Q r h).
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
invert IHhoare_triple; propositional.
exists x; propositional; eauto.
Lemma invert_Fail : forall result P Q,
hoare_triple P (Fail (result := result)) Q
-> forall h, P h -> False.
induct 1; propositional; eauto.
Lemma step_sound : forall {result} (c : cmd result) h Q,
hoare_triple (fun h' => h' = h) c Q
-> match step c h with
| Answer r => Q r h
| Stepped h' c' => hoare_triple (fun h'' => h'' = h') c' Q
| Failed => False
induct c; simplify; propositional.
eapply invert_Return.
simplify; auto.
apply invert_Bind in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
apply IHc in H0.
cases (step c h); auto.
apply H2.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply invert_Read; eauto.
simplify; auto.
eapply HtStrengthen.
simplify; propositional; subst.
eapply invert_Write; eauto.
simplify; auto.
apply invert_Loop in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
eapply HtWeaken.
apply H0.
cases r.
eapply HtStrengthen.
propositional; subst; eauto.
eapply HtStrengthen.
eapply HtLoop.
eapply invert_Fail; eauto.
simplify; eauto.
Lemma hoare_triple_sound' : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> forall h, P h
-> invariantFor (trsys_of c h)
(fun p => hoare_triple (fun h => h = snd p)
(fst p)
apply invariant_induction; simplify.
propositional; subst; simplify.
eapply HtConsequence.
eapply step_sound in H1.
rewrite H2 in H1.
Theorem hoare_triple_sound : forall P {result} (c : cmd result) Q,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> forall h, P h
-> invariantFor (trsys_of c h)
(fun p => step (fst p) (snd p) <> Failed).
eapply invariant_weaken.
eapply hoare_triple_sound'; eauto.
eapply step_sound in H1.
cases (step (fst s) (snd s)); equality.
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
(** ** Showcasing the opportunity to create new programming abstractions,
* without modifying the language definition *)
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Here's an example of a new programming construct defined within Gallina,
* without extending the definition of object-language syntax. It's for
* folding a command over every one of the first [len] cells in memory. We
* work with some accumulator type [A], initializing the accumulator to [init]
* and calling [combine] to update the accumulator for each value we read out
* of memory. *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Definition heapfold {A : Set} (init : A) (combine : A -> nat -> cmd A) (len : nat) : cmd A :=
p <- for p := (0, init) loop
if len <=? fst p then
Return (Done p)
h_i <- Read (fst p);
acc <- combine (snd p) h_i;
Return (Again (S (fst p), acc))
Return (snd p).
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Next, two pretty mundane facts about list operations. *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Lemma firstn_nochange : forall A (ls : list A) n,
length ls <= n
-> firstn n ls = ls.
induct ls; simplify.
cases n; simplify; auto.
cases n; simplify.
rewrite IHls; auto.
Lemma fold_left_firstn : forall A B (f : A -> B -> A) (d : B) (ls : list B) (init : A) n,
n < length ls
-> f (fold_left f (firstn n ls) init) (nth_default d ls n)
= fold_left f (firstn (S n) ls) init.
induct ls; simplify.
cases n; simplify.
unfold nth_default; simplify.
rewrite <- IHls by linear_arithmetic.
unfold nth_default; simplify.
Hint Rewrite firstn_nochange fold_left_firstn using linear_arithmetic.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Here's the soundness theorem for [heapfold], relying on a hypothesis of
* soundness for [combine]. *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Theorem heapfold_ok : forall {A : Set} (init : A) combine
(ls : list nat) (f : A -> nat -> A),
(forall P v acc,
{{h ~> P h}}
combine acc v
{{r&h ~> r = f acc v /\ P h}})
-> {{h ~> forall i, i < length ls -> h $! i = nth_default 0 ls i}}
heapfold init combine (length ls)
{{r&h ~> (forall i, i < length ls -> h $! i = nth_default 0 ls i)
/\ r = fold_left f ls init}}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
loop_inv (fun r h => (forall i, i < length ls -> h $! i = nth_default 0 ls i)
/\ match r with
| Done (_, acc) => acc = fold_left f ls init
| Again (i, acc) => acc = fold_left f (firstn i ls) init
2016-04-11 08:13:49 -04:00
cases (length ls <=? a); ht; auto; simp; auto.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
rewrite H2 by assumption.
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
simp; auto.
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Here's a concrete use of [heapfold], to implement [array_max] more
* succinctly. *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Definition array_max (len : nat) : cmd nat :=
heapfold 0 (fun n m => Return (max n m)) len.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Next, some more lemmas about lists and arithmetic *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Lemma le_max' : forall v ls acc,
v <= acc
-> v <= fold_left max ls acc.
induct ls; simplify; auto.
Lemma le_max : forall ls i acc,
i < Datatypes.length ls
-> nth_default 0 ls i <= fold_left max ls acc.
induct ls; simplify.
cases i; simplify.
unfold nth_default; simplify.
apply le_max'; linear_arithmetic.
unfold nth_default; simplify.
apply IHls; linear_arithmetic.
Hint Resolve le_max.
2016-04-10 19:50:20 -04:00
(* Finally, a short proof of [array_max], appealing mostly to the generic
* proof of [heapfold] *)
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
Theorem array_max_ok : forall ls : list nat,
{{ h ~> forall i, i < length ls -> h $! i = nth_default 0 ls i}}
array_max (length ls)
{{ r&h ~> forall i, i < length ls -> h $! i <= r }}.
2016-04-10 17:01:03 -04:00
apply heapfold_ok with (f := max); ht.
simp; auto.
2016-04-10 16:33:32 -04:00
rewrite H1 by assumption.
2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00
End DeeperWithFail.